

City of Burlingame Water Division StaffThe City of Burlingame Water Division is responsible for maintaining the water mains within the City boundaries, including portions of the Burlingame Hills. Leaks found on water mains should be reported by calling 650-558-7670 between the hours of  7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hours, call the Burlingame Police Department at 650-692-0604.

The City of Burlingame purchases all of its water from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). The SFPUC has several large pipelines running through town. We have several metered connections at various locations throughout the city. These connections feed directly into the Aqueduct Pressure Zone. 

Water pressure to customers in the low lands is basically what is delivered by the San Francisco water pipes with minor reduction to minimize line surges.  Above 120 foot elevation, the Burlingame Water Division maintains a series of closed water systems and reservoirs that are filled by pumping by booster pump stations, then gravity fed.  To regulate the pressure in the higher elevations we have several pressure reducing valves. Valves can be opened or closed to meet problems of high demand or emergency conditions. Connections between neighboring cities are available to meet emergency conditions. 

2020 Urban Water Management Plan and Water Shortage Contingency Plan Update
The Urban Water Management Planning Act (Water Code Section 10610-10657) requires urban water suppliers to update their Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) and Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP) every five years. The plan presents supply and demand projections through 2040, available supplies to meet existing and future demands under a range of water supply conditions, and demand management measures to reduce long-term water demand. 

Final 2020 Urban Water Management Plan with Appendices

  • Water Quality Report. An annual report that contains information about the City's drinking water, including detected drinking water contaminants and the information of their typical sources.
  • Water Main Flushing. The Water Division occasionally conducts water main flushing  to remove sediment in the water main. Particles not removed by this process may take several hours to resettle to the bottom. 
  • Water Conservation. Discover easy tips on how you can conserve water at home and programs to help you save money and water.
  • The City of Burlingame is a member of the American Water Works Association (AWWA). The AWWA is the authoritative resource for safe drinking water.