
Investigations Division

The Investigations Division consists of our Police Detectives, School Resource Officer and Community Response Team.        
  • The Detectives follow up on criminal cases initiated by Patrol Officers.
  • The School Resource Officer acts as a liaison to all of our Burlingame Schools, and handles crimes and other issues that may occur there.
  • The  Community Response Team, or CRT as they are often called, focuses on quality of life issues and specific problems that sometimes get overlooked in the big picture of policing. CRT deals with park checks and foot patrols; homeless outreach and social services; human trafficking rescue operations and stings; burglary and general crime suppression details; serving arrest and bench warrants; electronic surveillance operations dealing with package thefts, auto burglaries, bicycle thefts; construction site burglaries, etc.; neighborhood watch and community presentations; gang task force deployments; municipal code violations; etc.