
Local Minimum Wage Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Are employees classified as "learners" paid the minimum wage according to the City of Burlingame Minimum Wage Ordinance?
An employee who is a Learner, as defined by the California Industrial Welfare Commission Order No. 4-2001, shall be paid no less than 85 percent of the applicable Minimum Wage for the first 160 hours of employment. Thereafter, the employee shall be paid the applicable Minimum Wage Rate.
Are non-profit organizations exempt from the City of Burlingame Minimum Wage requirements?
No, non-profit organizations are not exempt from the minimum wage requirements. All businesses operating within the geographic boundaries of Burlingame must pay employees who work two or more hours per week the local minimum wage.
Are small businesses exempt from the City of Burlingame Minimum Wage requirements?
No, the City of Burlingame minimum wage ordinance does not exempt small businesses. All businesses operating within the geographic boundaries of Burlingame must pay employees who work two or more hours per week the local minimum wage.
Are tips and/or gratuity considered a part of the Minimum Wage hourly rate?
No, tips and gratuity are not considered a part of the minimum hourly wage rate and may not offset the hourly wage.
Does the City minimum wage apply to employees who work in Burlingame, but are not residents of Burlingame?
Yes, any person who works for an employer that maintains a facility in the City of Burlingame or provides good and/or services within the City limits is eligible to be paid at the City of Burlingame’s minimum wage rate.
How much is the City's proposed Minimum Wage rate?
On September 21, 2020, the Burlingame City Council adopted an ordinance to establish a minimum wage of $15.00 per hour for all Burlingame businesses beginning January 1, 2021.  On January 1, 2022 and every year thereafter, the minimum wage will be adjusted based on Consumer Price Index (CPI) percentage increases. A negative CPI will not lower the minimum wage.

I pay for health insurance, vacation, sick leave and other benefits to my employees. Do these count towards the amount of the Minimum Wage paid to employees?
No, an employer may not use fringe benefits such as health insurance, vacation, sick leave or other benefits to offset or use as a credit towards the employer’s obligation to pay the City minimum wage.
My company is located in the City of Burlingame, but I have employees who work outside of the City of Burlingame. Do I have to pay the Minimum Wage to these employees?
No, only employees who work within the geographic boundaries of the City of Burlingame are subject to the City’s minimum wage. All businesses operating within the geographic boundaries of Burlingame must pay employees who work two or more hours per week the local minimum wage.
My company is not located in the City of Burlingame, but I have employees who work in in the City of Burlingame. Do I have to pay the Minimum Wage to these employees?
Yes, any employee who works within the geographic boundaries of the City of Burlingame is subject to the City of Burlingame’s Minimum Wage Ordinance.
What else besides paying the City of Burlingame Minimum Wage to employees am I required to do?
Each year, the City will publish a bulletin notice on the Minimum Wage webpage.  It is the business owner’s responsibility to post the new wage rate and bulletin from the City in the workplace, in a location that employees may view the new rate along with their rights. All employees must be able to read and understand the rate, so posting in other languages is recommended.

Each employer shall give written notification to each current employee, and to each new e
mployee at time of hire, of his/her/their rights under this ordinance. The notification shall be in English and other languages as provided in any implementing regulations, and shall also be posted prominently in areas at the work site where it will be seen by all employees. Every employer shall also provide each employee, at the time of hire, with the employer’s name, address, and telephone number in writing. Failure to post such notice shall constitute a violation of this Municipal Code. The City is authorized to prepare sample notices and employers’ use of such notices shall constitute compliance with this subsection.
What is CPI and how is it being used for Minimum Wage?

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for goods and services.

The CPI is used as an economic indicator measuring inflation, a deflator of economic series and as a means of adjusting dollar values. This relates to the minimum wage in that it adjusts consumers’ income payments to automatically provide cost-of-living wage adjustments. So, if the cost of living increases or decreases in a year, the local minimum wage will reflect that by adding a percentage to the $15 base rate in 2022 and beyond. The CPI will always be based on the previous year, calculated by using the August to August change. For example, if the cost of living increases by 5% in 2021, then on January 1, 2022, the minimum wage will be $15.00 per hour PLUS ($15 * 5%) , making the new minimum wage $15.75 per hour.

NOTE: A decrease in the CPI will not result in a decrease in the Minimum Wage.

What is the difference between the Federal, State and Burlingame's adopted minimum wage laws?
The minimum wage established by Federal, State and local government law sets the lowest wage an employer may legally pay to workers.

As of January 1, 2020, California law requires the minimum wage for all industries to be no less than $12.00 per hour for businesses with fewer than 25 employees, and $13.00 per hour for businesses with 26 or more employees. The Federal minimum wage for covered nonexempt employees has been $7.25 per hour since July 24, 2009.

At the September 21, 2020 City Council meeting, the Burlingame City Council adopted the local minimum wage ordinance that increases the local minimum wage to $15.00 per hour for all Burlingame businesses beginning January 1, 2021. On January 1, 2022 and every year thereafter, the local minimum wage will be adjusted based on Consumer Price Index (CPI) percentage increases. A negative CPI will not lower the minimum wage.
When does the change go into effect?

The first phase of the ordinance goes into effect January 1, 2021: an increase to $15.00 per hour.

The second phase of the ordinance goes into effect January 1, 2022: an increase to $15 per hour plus CPI.

Each phase after 2022 will increase by the previous year's minimum wage plus any applicable CPI increases.

Where can I get more information about the City of Burlingame's Minimum Wage?
You may find additional information at the City website at www.burlingame.org/minimum-wage.

If you have any questions about this ordinance or would like additional information, please contact the City's Economic Development Division at:

City of Burlingame
Economic Development Division
501 Primrose Rd
Burlingame, CA  94010

(650) 558-7264
What are the penalties for employers that do not pay the City of Burlingame Minimum Wage?
The City reserves the right to enforce all applicable civil code penalties for employers that do not pay the Minimum Wage.

Retaliation against employees who have reported a business for non-compliance is strictly prohibited.
It is considered retaliation if an employee is terminated within 120 days of when they exercise their protected rights, i.e. if they bring a claim against a business that is not in compliance. The Ordinance also protects people who mistakenly, but in good faith, claims a business is not compliant.
What are the penalties for not complying with the new minimum wage?

Failure to pay the minimum wage is a violation that, if happens, starts the day after the paycheck with the incorrect minimum wage was given, and continues to be in violation until the day before the correct minimum wage is paid in full. Along with civil action by an employee, entity, or entity acting on behalf of those whose rights were violated, the City may enforce its own codified penalties as necessary.