Anson Burlingame Historical Documents

# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Harvard China Review
Spring 2004
by T.K. Chu
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Far Eastern Quarterly
August 1946
Edited by Warren B. Walsh, Syracuse University

Letters from Burlingame's 16 year old son, Walter Anson, to his grandfather, Isaac Livermore, describing an incident outside of Peking.
Subject: Letters
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 14 No. 4
December 1945
Edited by Warren B. Walsh

A  letter from Burlingame's second son, Walter Anson, to Isaac Livermore of Boston.
October 23, 1867
Subject: Letters
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Chinese American Forum
Vol. XXIV - NO. 4 - The 96th Issue
By George Koo
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Pioneer collections, Volume 5
Title: Anecdote of the Late Anson Burlingame
By Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Anson Burlingame and the First Chinese Mission to Foreign Powers

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Title: Anson Burlingame and the First Chinese Mission to Foreign Powers
Author: Fredrick Wells Williams
In folder
Taken from the book:

“What he believed he believed with such intensity, what he spoke he spoke with such fevour, that the unbidden impulse was to believe and assent to be convinced”
On his arrival by the “overland” steamer in October 1861, Mr. Burlingame found the American legation in China located in the rented house of its charge and secretary, S. W. Williams, in the Portuguese settlement of Macao.
Mr. Burlingame’s concern in the incident known as that of the “Lay-Osborn Flotilla,” was only that of a mediator, but his tact and the close personal friendship he had cemented with the British minister enabled him to bring the Chinese to an amicable agreement in an embarrassing matter, where under less amiable guidance a rupture might have ensued.
An Englishman, Horatio Nelson Lay, the first inspector-general of the imperial customs service, was allowed to order a number of gunboats to be constructed in English for a Chinese coast patrol against pirates and smugglers. He greatly exceeded his instructions in executing the order, and in 1863 the Chinese found themselves confronted by a fleet of eight powerful steamers, in charge of English officers and crews, who were engaged to man them for a term of four years, to serve only under their English commanders and receive pay through Mr. Lay’s hands. The Chinese naturally declined to ratify an arrangement which actually involved an abdication of sovereignty in their own country. But in refusing to accept them, the vessels remained a menace to the peace of the Far East, either from pirates who might obtain them for use off the China coast, or for those feudal nobles in Japan who were upon the verge of rebellion…

Mr. Burlingame, conscious of the gravity of the crisis, and quickened by the risk to his own country, advised the Chinese, “1st, to give their reasons fully for not ratifying the offensive articles of the agreement; 2d, to thank the British Government and Captain Osborn for what they had done for them; and 3d, that inasmuch as there was a misunderstanding between them and their agent which could not be reconciled, they should request the British minister to have the flotilla returned to England under the direction of Captain Osborn, the ships sold, the men paid off and discharged, and the proceeds remitted to them. They followed this advice to the letter.”
Perhaps no single event in his life in China illustrates better than this the kind of hazards confronting a foreign minster dealing with Asiatics uninsured to the affairs of a new world, or the risks devolving which may bring a group of nations into jeopardy.
During an absence on leaving in America between the spring of 1865 and the autumn of 1866, Mr. Burlingame was able to advise the department of state upon the condition of affairs and to discuss with the secretary some proposals for future activity in China.

One suggestion embodied in a dispatch of the secretary, dated December 15, 1865, may, however, be noted as a promoting cause of the first essay made by China to examine into and report upon foreign nations through an agent of her own.
(From Seward to Burlingame) Sir: The harmonious condition of the relations between the United States and China, and the importance of the commerce between them, would make it agreeable to this government to receive from the Emperor a diplomatic representative of a grade corresponding with your own. It is true that this would be a novel, if not an unprecedented step on the part of that government…. China also may be said to have special reasons for the measure in respect to the United States, as her subjects are so numerous in this country, particularly in California. You will consequently bring this matter to the attention of that government, and may say that, if the suggestion should be adopted, it would be peculiarly gratifying to the President.
… The delegate sent to this mission is Pin-Chun, who has been acting for two or three years as revisor of custom-house returns, in connection with the foreign inspectorate, and has thus been brought into contact with foreigners and learned as much of their countries as his opportunities allowed. Before leaving the capital he was raised to the third rank, and formally introduced by Prince Kung to the foreign ministers on their New Year’s visit as his agent to their respective countries, sent on the part of the Foreign Office.
In the important matter of amending the scandal of coolie emigration from China, the foreign ministers found a comprehensive national agreement difficult at first, but they pursued, on the whole, a consistent and creditable policy, which after some years stopped the evils of kidnapping and deporting Chinese labourers.
From this reason he reports with characteristic enthusiasm…recommending the establishment of a government college for instruction in the arts and sciences of the West. .
“When I came to China, in 1861, the force policy was the rule. It was said: ‘the Chinese are conceited barbarians, and must be force into our civilization’ or, in the energetic language of time, it was said, ‘you must take them by the throat.’ Fortunately, the representatives of the treaty powers did not listen to this view. .. We were in relations for the first time with the chiefs of the government, and that it was necessary to proffer fair diplomatic action as a substitute for the old views, and to so bear ourselves as to secure the confidence of this people… Under the policy great development has occurred, mission have extended, trade has increased three fold, scientific men have been employed, ‘Wheaton’s International Law’ translated and adopted, military instruction accepted, nearly one hundred able men received into the civil service, steam-boats multiplied, the way slowly opened for future telegraphs and railroads, and now we have this great movement for education….and the intention of those now in authority is to go cautiously and steadily forward”
There has never been a moment since these hopeful lines were written when some of her own earnest and patriotic sons did not desire China to “go cautiously and steadily forward.”
The nineteenth century in centralised Japan was fermenting in decentralized China, where it was necessary to carry conviction to the mind of all her educated classes before the empire could be aroused to action.
Its manifestation on the part of Tsung-li officials was their sudden and rather desperate decision to send an embassy to the Christian powers, and entreat their further patience for a slowly awakening nation.
On November 21, 1867, Mr. Burlingame proceeded by cart with his family and a few friends on the 25th to Tientsin. ..The party should be threatened by a band of mounted brigands, and compelled to find safety in a village en route.
P.90 Prince Kung held a farewell dinner with Mr. Burlingame
“I may be permitted to add that when the oldest nation in the world, containing one-third of the human race, seeks, for the first time, to come into relations with the West, and requests the youngest nation, through its representative, to act as the medium of such change, the mission is not one to be solicited or rejected.”
In the weeks of his long journey across the Pacific, it often oppressed him with gloomy forebodings. Before he reached the Golden Gate they became at times almost unendurable. “Is it not possible,” he reasoned to himself, “that Americans may regard my acceptance of this foreign trust as a selling out of my birthright?”
..When the steamer sailed up to the wharf at San Francisco he was in a state of feverish excitement. The wharf was densely crowded. He looked from the deck of the steamer upon them, and wondered if it were possible that, in flamed by hostile criticism, they had come down there to jeer and insult him. The first man who came upon the deck before the steamer had swung round to its place was a porter, or baggage-man, who, of course, did not know him. Burlingame asked him, as coolly as possible, what all this crowd meant. “Why,” answered the man, “The whole city is here to welcome the new Chinese Minister, and the city authorities to proffer him its hospitalities.”
In Burlingame’s speech, he declared, “The mission means commerce; it means peace; it means a unification of her own interests with the whole human race. I agree with you, sir, here to-night that this is one of the mightiest movements of modern times; and although this ephemeral Mission may soon pass away, that great movement must go on. The great deed is done….I believe it represents more truly that large and generous spirit which is not too proud to learn and which is not afraid to teach; that great spirit which, while it would exchange goods with China, would also exchange thoughts with China; that would inquire carefully into the cause of that sobriety and industry of which you have made mention; that would learn something of the long experience of this people; that would question those institutions which have withstood the storms of time – as to the secret of their stability…that does not believe that the mind may no more be kindled that invented gunpowder, the compass, porcelain, paper and printing..”
Upon reaching Washington the Embassy was installed in Brown’s Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, where the great yellow flag bearing the imperial dragon floating over the roof attracted more attention than had ever before been given to the coming of new envoys to the capital. It was remarked, rather naively, at the time that the Chinese representatives were men of breeding and intellect-a suggestive commentary upon American acquaintance with the history and culture of this ancient empire.
Burlingame’s address in the White House:”We seek for China that equality without which nations and men are degraded. We seek not only the good of China, but we seek your good and the good of all mankind. We do this in no sentimental sense… We invite you to a broader trade. We invite you to a more intimate examination of the structure of Chinese civilization. We invite you to a better appreciation of the manners of that people, their temperance, their patience, their habits of scholarship…It is for the West to say whether it is for a fair and open policy, or for one founded on prejudice and on that assumption of superiority which is justified neither by physical ability nor by moral elevation.”
P.147 Burlingame Treaty draft
“This treaty recognizes China as an equal among the nations, in opposition to the old doctrine that because she was not a Christian nation she could not be placed in the roll of nations. Under the treaty the Chinese may spread their marble altars to the blue vault of heaven and may worship the spirit which dwells beyond. That treaty opens the gleaming gates of our public institutions to the students of China. That treaty strikes down the infamous coolie trade. It invites free immigration into the country of those sober and industrious people.
There is another article which is also important to China. It has been the habit of foreigners in China to lecture the Chinese and to say what they should do and what they should not do; in fact, to prefer almost a demand and say when they should build railroads, when they should build telegraphs;… This treaty denounces all such pretensions. It says particularly that it is for the Chinese themselves to determine when they will institute reforms, that they are the masters of their own affairs, that it is for them to make commercial regulations and do whatever they will, which is not in violation of the law of nations, within their territory.
I know this treaty will be attacked; you will wonder at it…But notwithstanding all this, I believe …the principles of that treaty, will make the tour of the world because it is founded in right, is founded in justice.”
On his way to Peking the new minister, Mr. J. Ross Browne, informs the state department of the amicable sentiments of the Californians in the following personal note to its chief clerk, Mr. Robert S. Chew: “It may interest you to know, that the new treaty as reported by telegraph has met with the cordial endorsement of the press of California. There is no unfriendly feeling here towards the Chinese among the influential and respectable class of the community. The objections urged against them are purely of a local and political character, and are confined chiefly to the lower class of Irish.A much more liberal sentiment now prevails on this subject than formerly…”
Throughout the country the newspaper press in commenting on the treaty re-echoed almost automatically the pleasantness and peace that had been extolled during the journeys of the Mission about the land.

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Chinese American Forum
Vol. XXV - No. 1 - The 97th Issue
July 2009

Letter to the Editor by T.K. Chu
Anson Burlingame: Diplomat, Evangelist, Idea Person
Re: America Needs More Anson Burlingames
April 2009 by George Koo
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
David L. Anderson, “Anson Burlingame: Reformer and Diplomat,” Civil War History 25 (1979): 293-308.

P. 302
In 1861 before leaving Europe, Burlingame met Benjamin Moran, the assistant secretary of the United States legation in London. After their meeting, Moran noted critically:"I have heard much of this person, and was led to believe him to be a man of dignity and refinement, but I find him only ordinary and and totally unfit for the Diplomatic Post." Such things had been said about him before, but in the past he plunged ahead full of enthusiasm. "I proceed to my new post with difference," Burlingme wrote Seward, "but still with pleasure for there is a fine field and I am yet a young man."

The new minister arrived at Macao in October 1861, a month before his forty-first birthday. Largely because the winter made Peking inaccessible, he did not proceed to the capital until the following July. .. He had no staff other than Samuel Wells Williams, the missionary turned diplomat served as secretary of the legation. In the hills twelve miles west of Peking, Burlingame established a summer legation at Sanshanan (Temple of the Three Hills). He named it "Tremont Temple", after the favorite Free Soil meeting place in Boston.

Before receiving his appointment to the post in Peking...employing an orator's stereotype, he had remarked that when he was ready to depart from practicality, he would "join the immovable civilization of China, and take the false doctrines of Confucius for my guide, with their backward-looking thoughts." After arriving in China, he began to understand that
such comments were symptomatic of the gulf of misunderstanding that separated the Eastern and Western civilizations. Both Chinese and Westerners were basically ignorant and disrespectful of each other’s culture. Consequently, Westerners had often resorted to coercion of the Chinese in an effort to overcome stubborn and haughty Chinese resistance to Western intrusions into China. In the face of Western threats and force, the Chinese became even more recalcitrant. Burlingame later recalled:
"When I came to China, in 1861, the force policy was the rule. It was said “the Chinese are conceited barbarians, and must be forced into our civilization;” or in the energetic language of the time, it was said, “you must take them by the throat”

“The imagination kindles at the future which may be,” he told a New York audience,” and which will be if you will be fair and just to China.”

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 55, Number 17, 12 March 1886

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
New York Times
April 20, 1870

An article about Burlingame's body arriving about German steamer Selesia and plans for funeral services.
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Cheshire Observer and Chester, Birkenhead, Crewe and North Wales Times (Chester, England), Saturday, September 26, 1868; Issue 670. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II.

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Books and Dissertations

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Title: The Rocky Road to Liberty: A Documented History of Chinese Immigration and Exclusion
by: Sen Hu, Jielin Dong
Publisher: Chinese American Society

Title: Anson Burlingame and the First Chinese Mission to Foreign Powers
Author: Fredrick Wells Williams
In folder
Taken from the book:

“What he believed he believed with such intensity, what he spoke he spoke with such fevour, that the unbidden impulse was to believe and assent to be convinced”
On his arrival by the “overland” steamer in October 1861, Mr. Burlingame found the American legation in China located in the rented house of its charge and secretary, S. W. Williams, in the Portuguese settlement of Macao.
Mr. Burlingame’s concern in the incident known as that of the “Lay-Osborn Flotilla,” was only that of a mediator, but his tact and the close personal friendship he had cemented with the British minister enabled him to bring the Chinese to an amicable agreement in an embarrassing matter, where under less amiable guidance a rupture might have ensued.
An Englishman, Horatio Nelson Lay, the first inspector-general of the imperial customs service, was allowed to order a number of gunboats to be constructed in English for a Chinese coast patrol against pirates and smugglers. He greatly exceeded his instructions in executing the order, and in 1863 the Chinese found themselves confronted by a fleet of eight powerful steamers, in charge of English officers and crews, who were engaged to man them for a term of four years, to serve only under their English commanders and receive pay through Mr. Lay’s hands. The Chinese naturally declined to ratify an arrangement which actually involved an abdication of sovereignty in their own country. But in refusing to accept them, the vessels remained a menace to the peace of the Far East, either from pirates who might obtain them for use off the China coast, or for those feudal nobles in Japan who were upon the verge of rebellion…

Mr. Burlingame, conscious of the gravity of the crisis, and quickened by the risk to his own country, advised the Chinese, “1st, to give their reasons fully for not ratifying the offensive articles of the agreement; 2d, to thank the British Government and Captain Osborn for what they had done for them; and 3d, that inasmuch as there was a misunderstanding between them and their agent which could not be reconciled, they should request the British minister to have the flotilla returned to England under the direction of Captain Osborn, the ships sold, the men paid off and discharged, and the proceeds remitted to them. They followed this advice to the letter.”
Perhaps no single event in his life in China illustrates better than this the kind of hazards confronting a foreign minster dealing with Asiatics uninsured to the affairs of a new world, or the risks devolving which may bring a group of nations into jeopardy.
During an absence on leaving in America between the spring of 1865 and the autumn of 1866, Mr. Burlingame was able to advise the department of state upon the condition of affairs and to discuss with the secretary some proposals for future activity in China.

One suggestion embodied in a dispatch of the secretary, dated December 15, 1865, may, however, be noted as a promoting cause of the first essay made by China to examine into and report upon foreign nations through an agent of her own.
(From Seward to Burlingame) Sir: The harmonious condition of the relations between the United States and China, and the importance of the commerce between them, would make it agreeable to this government to receive from the Emperor a diplomatic representative of a grade corresponding with your own. It is true that this would be a novel, if not an unprecedented step on the part of that government…. China also may be said to have special reasons for the measure in respect to the United States, as her subjects are so numerous in this country, particularly in California. You will consequently bring this matter to the attention of that government, and may say that, if the suggestion should be adopted, it would be peculiarly gratifying to the President.
… The delegate sent to this mission is Pin-Chun, who has been acting for two or three years as revisor of custom-house returns, in connection with the foreign inspectorate, and has thus been brought into contact with foreigners and learned as much of their countries as his opportunities allowed. Before leaving the capital he was raised to the third rank, and formally introduced by Prince Kung to the foreign ministers on their New Year’s visit as his agent to their respective countries, sent on the part of the Foreign Office.
In the important matter of amending the scandal of coolie emigration from China, the foreign ministers found a comprehensive national agreement difficult at first, but they pursued, on the whole, a consistent and creditable policy, which after some years stopped the evils of kidnapping and deporting Chinese labourers.
From this reason he reports with characteristic enthusiasm…recommending the establishment of a government college for instruction in the arts and sciences of the West. .
“When I came to China, in 1861, the force policy was the rule. It was said: ‘the Chinese are conceited barbarians, and must be force into our civilization’ or, in the energetic language of time, it was said, ‘you must take them by the throat.’ Fortunately, the representatives of the treaty powers did not listen to this view. .. We were in relations for the first time with the chiefs of the government, and that it was necessary to proffer fair diplomatic action as a substitute for the old views, and to so bear ourselves as to secure the confidence of this people… Under the policy great development has occurred, mission have extended, trade has increased three fold, scientific men have been employed, ‘Wheaton’s International Law’ translated and adopted, military instruction accepted, nearly one hundred able men received into the civil service, steam-boats multiplied, the way slowly opened for future telegraphs and railroads, and now we have this great movement for education….and the intention of those now in authority is to go cautiously and steadily forward”
There has never been a moment since these hopeful lines were written when some of her own earnest and patriotic sons did not desire China to “go cautiously and steadily forward.”
The nineteenth century in centralised Japan was fermenting in decentralized China, where it was necessary to carry conviction to the mind of all her educated classes before the empire could be aroused to action.
Its manifestation on the part of Tsung-li officials was their sudden and rather desperate decision to send an embassy to the Christian powers, and entreat their further patience for a slowly awakening nation.
On November 21, 1867, Mr. Burlingame proceeded by cart with his family and a few friends on the 25th to Tientsin. ..The party should be threatened by a band of mounted brigands, and compelled to find safety in a village en route.
P.90 Prince Kung held a farewell dinner with Mr. Burlingame
“I may be permitted to add that when the oldest nation in the world, containing one-third of the human race, seeks, for the first time, to come into relations with the West, and requests the youngest nation, through its representative, to act as the medium of such change, the mission is not one to be solicited or rejected.”
In the weeks of his long journey across the Pacific, it often oppressed him with gloomy forebodings. Before he reached the Golden Gate they became at times almost unendurable. “Is it not possible,” he reasoned to himself, “that Americans may regard my acceptance of this foreign trust as a selling out of my birthright?”
..When the steamer sailed up to the wharf at San Francisco he was in a state of feverish excitement. The wharf was densely crowded. He looked from the deck of the steamer upon them, and wondered if it were possible that, in flamed by hostile criticism, they had come down there to jeer and insult him. The first man who came upon the deck before the steamer had swung round to its place was a porter, or baggage-man, who, of course, did not know him. Burlingame asked him, as coolly as possible, what all this crowd meant. “Why,” answered the man, “The whole city is here to welcome the new Chinese Minister, and the city authorities to proffer him its hospitalities.”
In Burlingame’s speech, he declared, “The mission means commerce; it means peace; it means a unification of her own interests with the whole human race. I agree with you, sir, here to-night that this is one of the mightiest movements of modern times; and although this ephemeral Mission may soon pass away, that great movement must go on. The great deed is done….I believe it represents more truly that large and generous spirit which is not too proud to learn and which is not afraid to teach; that great spirit which, while it would exchange goods with China, would also exchange thoughts with China; that would inquire carefully into the cause of that sobriety and industry of which you have made mention; that would learn something of the long experience of this people; that would question those institutions which have withstood the storms of time – as to the secret of their stability…that does not believe that the mind may no more be kindled that invented gunpowder, the compass, porcelain, paper and printing..”
Upon reaching Washington the Embassy was installed in Brown’s Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, where the great yellow flag bearing the imperial dragon floating over the roof attracted more attention than had ever before been given to the coming of new envoys to the capital. It was remarked, rather naively, at the time that the Chinese representatives were men of breeding and intellect-a suggestive commentary upon American acquaintance with the history and culture of this ancient empire.
Burlingame’s address in the White House:”We seek for China that equality without which nations and men are degraded. We seek not only the good of China, but we seek your good and the good of all mankind. We do this in no sentimental sense… We invite you to a broader trade. We invite you to a more intimate examination of the structure of Chinese civilization. We invite you to a better appreciation of the manners of that people, their temperance, their patience, their habits of scholarship…It is for the West to say whether it is for a fair and open policy, or for one founded on prejudice and on that assumption of superiority which is justified neither by physical ability nor by moral elevation.”
P.147 Burlingame Treaty draft
“This treaty recognizes China as an equal among the nations, in opposition to the old doctrine that because she was not a Christian nation she could not be placed in the roll of nations. Under the treaty the Chinese may spread their marble altars to the blue vault of heaven and may worship the spirit which dwells beyond. That treaty opens the gleaming gates of our public institutions to the students of China. That treaty strikes down the infamous coolie trade. It invites free immigration into the country of those sober and industrious people.
There is another article which is also important to China. It has been the habit of foreigners in China to lecture the Chinese and to say what they should do and what they should not do; in fact, to prefer almost a demand and say when they should build railroads, when they should build telegraphs;… This treaty denounces all such pretensions. It says particularly that it is for the Chinese themselves to determine when they will institute reforms, that they are the masters of their own affairs, that it is for them to make commercial regulations and do whatever they will, which is not in violation of the law of nations, within their territory.
I know this treaty will be attacked; you will wonder at it…But notwithstanding all this, I believe …the principles of that treaty, will make the tour of the world because it is founded in right, is founded in justice.”
On his way to Peking the new minister, Mr. J. Ross Browne, informs the state department of the amicable sentiments of the Californians in the following personal note to its chief clerk, Mr. Robert S. Chew: “It may interest you to know, that the new treaty as reported by telegraph has met with the cordial endorsement of the press of California. There is no unfriendly feeling here towards the Chinese among the influential and respectable class of the community. The objections urged against them are purely of a local and political character, and are confined chiefly to the lower class of Irish.A much more liberal sentiment now prevails on this subject than formerly…”
Throughout the country the newspaper press in commenting on the treaty re-echoed almost automatically the pleasantness and peace that had been extolled during the journeys of the Mission about the land.

American diplomacy in the Orient
John Watson Foster
Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1903.
Book : EnglishView all editions and formats
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A Sketch of Relations between the United States and China
by FW Williams
Yale University, 1910

Centennial Celebration of New Berlin (birthplace of AB)

Dissertations on Anson Burlingame

Title: Anson Burlingame A Study in Personal Diplomacy
Author: Kim, Samuel Soonki / Columbia University Dissertation
Date: 1966
In Folder

Title: Anson Burlingame, S. Wells Williams and China, 1861-1870 A Great Era in Chinese-American Relations
Author: Martin R. Ring
In Folder
Notes: Most sources are from official dispatches.
Burlingame's reaction to the appointment to China P. 66-67
Burlingame in Ningpo, reaction to Taiping rebels P 68-69
Description of Burlingame's reaction to Chinese's adoption of national flag and message from Emperor: P 91 " Nothing was so suggestive of the Burlingame style ..."
Dispatch number 42 of June 20, 1863, foundation document of the cooperative policy (Note: Burlingame to Seward, June 20, 1863, Despatches, China, volume 20) P95
Introducing international law to china and its application
P108 encourage translation of "Elements of International Law"
P 109 proclamation regarding Confederate ship
P110-111 China used international law in the case of Prussia capturing Danish ships in China waters
Burlingame honoring Chinese government jurisdiction over Chinese: P114-116
First farewell, ceremonies mentioning sending an envoy to the west etc. 1865 P118 -122
P118 note: detailed account by the interpreter included in the Despatch
Burlingame's efforts to deepen the co-operative policy
P196-197 Pumpelly article to "neutralize the arrogance of foreigners in China's treaty ports." from: Pumpelly, My Reminiscences, II, 476, 552
the article: Raphael Pumpelly, "Western Policy in China, " North American Review, CCXIX (April 1868)
Importing Chinese coolies to America P. 200
Tung Wen-huan and summary of his progress P. 208-209
British Minister's account of the initiation of the Burlingame Mission P. 214-216 he attributed it to Wen-hsiang's idea
Chapter on Burlingame Mission
Burlingame Treaty with commentary: religious liberty article is actually intended to protect Chinese in California against discrimination P. 256
Reception of the mission in Boston P. 258-259
Appraisal of Burlingame's speech and mission P.261-263
Swatow gunboat action and reaction from Burlingame (letter to Clarendon and C's response) P305-306

Clarendon letter characterize agreement as experimental P308
long letter to Wells Williams, January 23, 1870 (Williams Family Papers, Yale University), about rumors and negative reports on the mission, eloquent on how similar anti-Chinese missionaries are to pro-slavery Christians in US, very sympathetic to China, P320-322
Burlingame felt sick on 2/18/1870, "worried day and night" about the mission, died 2/23/1870 P324-325

Taken out from the Book:

P.68 [At] the port city of Ningbo, Burlingame could scarcely believe the carnage before his eyes. Heads assorted limbs, and truncated bodies lay in the street and the Taiping leaders threatened next to attack Shanghai. “They are the very incarnation of the obstruction” Burlingame wrote to Seward.
P. 88
The concession problem, which spread over the half year from November 1862 to May 1863, first involved the desire of the French consul at Ningpo to secure a concession of land for exclusive French use… Burlingame warned the Chinese of the great dangers of the concession doctrine. China might cede territory here and there, Burlingame argued, until the whole empire were ceded away and thus “its neutrality and nationality be lose.”
…[Burlingame] had secured agreement of his co-ministers at Peking, including the newly arrived French minister, against concessions. This concession is “a guarantee of the territorial integrity of the Chinese empire.”

P. 92 Burlingame’s reaction to the national flag of China
“By this act the Imperial Government, casting down the last shred of its exclusiveness, confronts us with a symbol of its power and demands a place among the nations.”

In the case involving the incoming Prussian minister to China, Baron von Rehfues, in which China used Wheaton to condemn Prussia’s capture of Danish ships in Chinese waters, China sought Burlingame’s backing for her argument that Prussia had illegally made the seizures in a “mare clausum.” …Obviously pleased that China had used international law to make its case, Burlingame played honest broker to both sides and the matter was ultimately resolved by the backdown of Prussia.
Modern Asian Studies,
Vol. 5, No. 4 (1971), pp. 337-354

“The imagination kindles at the future which may be,” he told a New York audience,” and which will be if you will be fair and just to China.”

The physical setting of the Western legation in a closely knit compound in Peking provide an ever-present forum for consultation among the representatives of the treaty powers. The extent to which Westerners in Peking at this time formed a self-contained community is well reflected in one of Mrs. Burlingame’s letters to her father in Boston: “There are very few strangers in Peking, and we are having a pleasant, quiet time. We have got into such a way of feeling that we own Peking, that we look upon all outsiders as intruders when they break in upon our quiet [community]. Sir Frederick [Bruce] has nicknamed all such [persons] as “Gorillas”, and it is the universal announcement of a stranger’s arrival, that “a Gorilla has come”.
(the Secretary of State) Seward’s first diplomatic instruction to Burlingame dated 30 July 1861 is uniquely devoid of the customary long-term policy guide usually given to a new minister and instead contains mostly procedural matters with the promise that general instructions will soon be forthcoming. This promise was fulfilled in the dispatch to Burlingame dated 6 March 1862, in which Seward gave his famous “consult and co-operate” instructions:
“The interests of this country in China, so far as I understand them, are identical with those of the two other nations I have mentioned. There is no reason to doubt that the British and French ministers are acting in such a manner as will best promote the interests of all the western nations. You are therefore instructed to consult and co-operate with them, unless in special cases, there shall be very satisfactory reasons for separating from them.
In the dispatch of 17 June 1862 from Shanghai, however, Burlingame met policy matters head on:
“It certainly is not our [American] policy to acquire territory in China, nor do we desire to interfere in the political struggles of the Chinese further than to maintain our treaty rights. When these are endangered by pirate and bandits (and the rebels are wishing also) and the English, French, and Chinese are seeking to maintain treaty rights, to be neutral [between the Imperialists and the Taiping rebels and bandits] is to be indifferent, not only to the rights of our citizens but to the interests of civilization.”
Burlingame’s first statement on the Co-operative Policy also appears in this dispatch: “If the treaty powers could agree among themselves to guarantee the integrity of China and together secure order…the interests of humanity would be subserved.”
He believed that the British and French were momentarily honouring China’s political and territorial integrity but “how long they [the British and French] may remain in agreement [to uphold China’s integrity] it is impossible to imagine. Burlingame then stated to Seward with characteristic optimism: “If at any future time the English or French, or either of them, should menace the integrity of the Chinese territory then the very fact that we [the Americans] had acted with them for low and order would give us greater weight against such a policy.”

By June 1863 Burlingame could confidently report to Seward on the unanimity of all the foreign representatives in Peking on the Co-operative Policy:
“The policy upon which we are agreed is briefly this: that while we claim our treaty right to buy and sell, and hire, in the treaty ports, subject, in respect to our rights of property and person, to the jurisdiction of our own governments, we will not ask for, not take concessions of, territory in the treaty ports, or in any way interfere with jurisdiction of the Chinese government over its own people, nor ever menace the territorial integrity of the Chinese empire. That we will not take part in the internal struggles in China, beyond what is necessary to maintain our treaty rights. That the latter we will unitedly sustain against all who may violate them. To this end we are now clear in the policy of defending the treaty ports against the Taipings, or rebels; but in such a way as not to make war upon that considerable body of the Chinese people, by following them into the interior of their country.”

P.351 footnote
Horatio N. Lay, the first inspector-general of the Maritime Customs, recalled his days at Peking in the early 1860s: “The foreign ministers met frequently at the house of Mr. Burlingame as upon neutral territory, and there we discussed over our cigars Chinese policy past and present, and in our stroll, which usually closed the afternoon’s confab the policy that should be pursued in the future was the constant theme.”
Overview of the Collection
Burlingame family.
Burlingame Family Papers
Inclusive Dates:
30.5 linear ft.
Correspondence, incoming and outgoing (1856-1967); legal and financial records; memorabilia, including address books, clippings, genealogical records, and photographs; and writings, mostly of Roger Burlingame, including manuscript and/or published articles, books, book reviews, diaries, poems, short stories, and speeches. Family members represented include Anson Burlingame (1820-1870), a politician and diplomat; Edward L. Burlingame (1848-1922), author and editor; William Roger Burlingame (1889-1967), author, biographer, and novelist; and his wife, Angeline Whinton (d. 1967), a literary agent, known professionally as Ann Watkins. Notable correspondents include Leonard Bacon, Kay Boyle, Elmer Davis, John Dos Passos, Allen W. Dulles, Milton Eisenhower, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Kenneth Galbraith, Nathan G. Goodman, Sidney Howard, Henry James, Rudyard Kipling, Archibald MacLeish, John P. Marquand, Edward R. Murrow, Lithgow Osborne, Henry F. Pringle, Elmo Roper, William L. Shirer, James Thurber, Edith Wharton, E.B. White, Hetty Whitney, Thornton Wilder, and others.
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Library
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010
Subject: Death, Writings, Letters
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Poster for February 19, 2013 program at the Burlingame Public Library entitled "Anson Burlingame: His Legacy in US-China Relations."
Presented by David Chai, Ph.D

Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 39, Number 5921, 19 March 1870

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Burlingame's Letters to Lincoln
Source: Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress

Search by keyword: Anson Burlingame

Results include two letters from Burlingame to Lincoln and two Lincoln letters to Seward mentioning Anson Burlingame and his minister post.

Subject: Letters
Type: Written by Anson Burlingame
New York Tribune
September 9, 1868

A card written by Anson Burlingame
Subject: Letters
Type: Written by Anson Burlingame
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 20, Number 6547, 17 February 1868

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

China and Anson Burlingame - New York Times July 5, 1870

Card Type: Filter Type Icon
Writings from a NYT correspondent on Burlingame's death and the value of the Chinese Embassy.
New York Times
July 5, 1870
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
The Morning Post (London, England), Wednesday, January 26, 1870; pg. 2; Issue 29995.


Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 35, Number 5333, 1 May 1868

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 20, Number 6796, 25 October 1868

Note: For all the Daily Alta links below, click on the highlighted/foggy area, a prompt will allow you to either save a PDF, text, or clip the relevant article


Daily Alta California, Volume 20, Number 6674, 23 June 1868

Subject: Speeches
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Card Type: Filter Type Icon
New York Tribune July 16, 1868
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 21, Number 6887, 26 January 1869

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Subject: Letters
Type: Written by Anson Burlingame
His Early Life in Detroit - The Friends He Made there - How He Was Enabled to Enter Upon the Study of Law
originally from the Detroit Advertiser, Feb. 23

New York Times
February 27, 1870
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

European Intelligence - Burlingame in Paris

Card Type: Filter Type Icon

Daily Alta California, Volume 21, Number 6894, 2 February 1869

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 18, Number 5896, 2 May 1866

Describes  Anson Burlingame and his family's trip to the Yosemite Valley.

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Journal of American-East Asian Relations (2010) 9-34
By John Schrecker
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Subject: Death
Unfavorable report on Anson Burlingame taking the position with the Chinese in 1867.
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Illustrated London News Article on the Chinese Legation
October 1868

Illustrated London News
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Author : David Anderson
Date: Published in 1985
Publisher: Indiana University Press

Anson Burlingame - page 17
Prince Kun - page 23
New York Tribune
April 25, 1870

Correspondence between Minister Curtin and Mr. Fish.
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 20, Number 6592, 2 April 1868

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 31, Number 4776, 19 July 1866

An article by Mark Twain that briefly mentions Anson Burlingame.

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 19, Number 6392, 15 September 1867

Reporter's commentary on Burlingame's diplomacy

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume XX, Number 6726, 15 August 1868

Note: reception by the Chinese Embassy in DC

Far Eastern Affairs
No. 1, 2009, page(s): 98-104
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
New York Tribune
September 12, 1868
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Mark Twain’s Autobiography with an introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine, Vol. II, Harper and Brothers, 1924, p.121-126

Includes a letter by Burlingame's granddaughter to Twain about his article on Anson Burlingame.
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Mark Twain Letter to Anson Burlingame from the Sandwich Islands

Card Type: Filter Type Icon
224 F Street
Washington, DC Feb 19th
Your Excellency,
This is to duplicate a letter I wrote yesterday by the unreliable Overland mail wherein was set forth that I shall have completed my book in the course of a couple months of so – then I would like to go with your Embassy as a dignitary of some kind or other, & privately on my own hook as Herald Tribune correspondent. I want to be a mild sort of dignitary, though, particularly. Pray save me a place. Correspondents will hover about the Expedition anyhow, & so it will be best to the interests of China & the world, that one of them, at least, should be reliable.
With kindest regards to my Sandwich Islands acquaintance among your now exceedingly large family, I remain,
Yours truly,
Mark Twain

Subject: Letters
Letter to Edward Burlingame.
In 1932, when Cyril Clemens published the letter, it belonged to Frederick A. Burlingame.
Subject: Letters
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Mark Twain’s Letters, Vol. I, 1853-1866, Editors: Edgar Marquess Branch, Michael B. Frank, Kenneth M. Sanderson, University of California Press 1988
p.343-348 letter from Sandwich Islands about meeting Anson Burlingame
Subject: Letters
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Mark Twain’s Letters, Vol. II, 1867-1868, Editors: Harriet Elinor Smith, Richard Bucci, University of California Press 1990

Mark Twain's Obituary on Anson Burlingame

Card Type: Filter Type Icon
Date: 1/1/1870
On Wednesday, in St. Petersburg, Mr. Burlingame died after a short illness. It is not easy to comprehend, at an instant's warning, the exceeding magnitude of the loss which mankind sustains in this death—the loss which all nations and all peoples sustain in it. For he had outgrown the narrow citizenship of a state and become a citizen of the world; and his charity was large enough and his great heart warm enough to feel for all its races and to labor for them. He was a true man, a brave man, an earnest man, a liberal man, a just man, a generous man, in all his ways and by all his instincts a noble man; he was a man of education and culture, a finished conversationalist, a ready, able, and graceful speaker, a man of great brain, a broad and deep and weighty thinker. He was a great man—a very, very great man. He was imperially endowed by nature; he was faithfully befriended by circumstances, and he wrought gallantly always, in whatever station he found himself.
He was a large, handsome man, with such a face as children instinctively trust in, and homeless and friendless creatures appeal to without fear. He was courteous at all times and to all people, and he had the rare and winning faculty of being always interested in what-ever aman had to say—a faculty which he possessed simply because nothing was trivial to him which any man or woman or child had at heart. When others said harsh things about even unconscionable and intrusive bores after they had retired from his presence, Mr. Burlingame often said a generous word in their favor, but never an unkind one.
Achivalrous generosity was his most marked characteristic—alargecharity,anoble kindliness that could not comprehend narrowness or meanness. It is this that shows out in his fervent abolitionism, manifested at atime when it was neither very creditable nor very safe to hold such a creed; it was this that prompted him to hurl his famous Brooks-and-Sumner speech in the face of an astonished South at atime when all the North was smarting under the sneers and taunts and material aggressions of admired and applauded Southerners. It was this that made him so warmly espouse the cause of Italian liberty—an espousal sopointed and sovigorous as to attract the attention of Austria, which empire afterward declined to receive him when he was appointed Austrian envoy by Mr. Lincoln. It was this trait which prompted him to punish Americans in China when they imposed upon the Chinese. It was this trait which moved him, in framing treaties, to frame them in the broad interest of the world, instead of selfishly seeking to acquire advantages for his own country alone and at the expense of the other party to the treaty, as had always before been the recognized "diplomacy."It was this trait which was and is the soul of the crowning achievements of his career, the treaties with America and England in behalf of China. In every labor of this man's life there was present a good and noble motive; and in nothing that he ever did or said was there anything small or base. In real greatness, ability, grandeur of character, and achievement, he stood head and shoulders above all the Americans of to-day, save one or two.
Without any noise, or any show, or any flourish, Mr. Burlingame did ascore of things of shining mark during his official residence in China. They were hardly heard of away here in America. When he first went to China, he found that with all their kingly powers, American envoys were still not of much consequence in the eyes of their countrymen of either civil or official position. But he was a man who was always "posted." He knew all about the state of things he would find in China before he sailed from America. And so he took care to demand and receive additional powers before he turned his back upon Washington. When the customary consular irregularities placidly continued and he notified those officials that such irregularities must instantly cease, and they inquired with insolent flippancy what the consequence might be in case they did not cease, he answered blandly that he would dismiss them, from the highest to the lowest! (He had quietly come armed with absolute authority over their official lives.) The consular irregularities ceased. A far healthier condition of American commercial interests ensued there.
To punish a foreigner in China was an unheard-of thing. There was no way of accomplishing it. Each Embassy had its own private district or grounds, forced from the imperial government, and into that sacred district Chinese law officers could not intrude. All foreigners guilty of offenses against Chinamen were tried by their own country-men, in these holy places, and as no Chinese testimony was admitted, the culprit almost always went free. One of the very first things Mr. Burlingame did was to make a Chinaman's oath as good as a foreigner's; and in his ministerial court, through Chinese and American testi-mony combined, he very shortly convicted a noted American ruffian of murdering a Chinaman. And now a community accustomed to light sentences were naturally startled when, under Mr. Burlingame'shand, and bearing the broad seal of the American Embassy, came an order to take him out and hang him!
Mr. Burlingame broke up the "extraterritorial" privileges (as they were called), as far as our country was concerned, and made justice as free to all and as untrammeled in the metes and bounds of its jurisdiction, in China, as ever it was in any land.
Mr. Burlingame was the leading spirit in the co-operative policy. He got the Imperial College established. He procured permission for an American to open the coal mines of China. Through his efforts China was the first country to close her ports against the war vessels of the Southern Confederacy; and Prince Kung's order, in this matter, was singularly energetic, comprehensive, and in earnest. The ports were closed then, and never opened to a Southern warship afterward.
Mr. Burlingame "construed" the treaties existing between China and the other nations. For many years the ablest diplomatists had vainly tried to come to a satisfactory understanding of certain obscure clauses of these treaties, and more than once powder had been burned in consequences of failure to come to such understandings. But the clear and comprehensive intellect of the American envoy reduced the wordy tangle of diplomatic phrases to a plain and honest handful of paragraphs, and these were unanimously and thankfully accepted by the other foreign envoys, and officially declared by them to be a thorough and satisfactory elucidation of all the uncertain clauses in the treaties.
Mr. Burlingame did a mighty work, and made official intercourse with China lucid, simple, and systematic, thenceforth for all time, when he persuaded that government to adopt and accept the code of international law by which the civilized nations of the earth are guided and controlled.
It is not possible to specify all the acts by which Mr. Burlingame made himself largely useful to the world during his official residence in China. At least it would not be possible to do it without making this sketch too lengthy and pretentious for a newspaper article.
Mr. Burlingame's short history—for he was only forty-seven—reads like a fairy tale. Its successes, its surprises, its happy situations, occur all along, and each new episode is always an improvement upon the one which went before it.
He begins life an assistant in a surveying party away out on the Western frontier; then enters a branch of a Western college; then passes through Harvard with the honors; becomes a Boston lawyer and looks back complacently from his high perch upon the old days when he was a surveyor nobody in the woods; becomes a state senator, and makes laws; still advancing, goes to the Constitutional Convention and makes regulations wherewith to rule the makers of laws; enters Congress and smiles back upon the Legislature and the Boston lawyer, and from these smiles still back upon the country surveyor, recognizes that he is known to fame in Massachusetts; challenges Brooks and is known to the nation; next, with a long stride upward, he is clothed with ministerial dignity and journeys to the under side of the world to represent the youngest in the court of the oldest of the nations; and finally, after years go by, we see him moving serenely among the crowned heads of the Old World, a magnate with secretaries and under secretaries about him, a retinue of quaint, outlandish Orientals in his wake, and a long following of servants—and the world is aware that his salary is unbelievably enormous, not to say imperial, and like-wise knows that he is invested with power to make treaties with all the chief nations of the earth, and that he bears the stately title of Ambassador, and in his person represents the, mysterious and awful grandeur of that vague colossus, the Emperor of China, his mighty empire and his four hundred millions of subjects! Down what a dreamy vista his backward glance must stretch, now, to reach the insignificant surveyor in the Western woods!
He was a good man, and a very, very great man. America lost a son, and all the world a servant, when he died.
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Title: Mark Twain, “The Treaty with China,” and the Chinese Connection
Journal Issue: Journal of Transnational American Studies, 2(1)
Author: Zehr, Martin
Publication Date: 2010
Publication Info: Journal of Transnational American Studies, American Cultures and Global Contexts Center, UC
Santa Barbara

Memorial of Anson Burlingame

Card Type: Filter Type Icon
A Memorial of Anson Burlingame 
From Syracuse University Library: book from NY memorial pamphlet from Burlingame's memorial in Boston
Anson Burlingame MemorialDSCF5743DSCF5744DSCF5745DSCF5747DSCF5746DSCF5748DSCF5749DSCF5752DSCF5751DSCF5764
Taken from the pamphlet:

Reverend George W. Briggs, D.D. of Cambridge, Pastor of Church which Mr. Burlingame formerly attended. He delivered the following message at the memorial
The telegraph has seldom borne a sadder or more startling message than that which came on the 23rd of February, two short months ago , to tell us that Anson Burlingame was dead!... It is an unparalleled event for the loss of a single man to awaken in three continents such peculiar and personal sorrow.
China mourns for one who had won the confidence of her rulers, who had introduced her to the family of the nations, and whose lab ors in her behalf commanded her unqualified approval. The Sovereigns and Ministers of the principal Courts of Europe, where he had made a name by his diplomatic talent, and won regard by his manly bearing, regret his too early death. And his countrymen and friends at home, those whose hearts were drawn to him in early manhood, who have watched his career with wonder and with pride, as reflecting honor upon the American name, feel a peculiar and more personal grief.
Boldly pronouncing against the “force policy” which Christendom had previously practiced towards China, striving to make justice free to all alike when acting as our own ambassador to that distant empire, studying the conditions, respecting the rights of its people, while faithful to the interests of those whom he was sent to represent, treating China as an equal among the nations, regarding its millions as of the brotherhood of men, he foreordained the confidence which was awarded him, and the trust which he received.
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 22, Number 7307, 24 March 1870

Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
New York Times
July 28, 1865

"Boston, Thursday, July 27. - Hon. Anson Burlingame arrived at his home in Cambridge this morning. He leaves for Washington to-morrow, on business connected with his mission in China."
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 20, Number 6581, 22 March 1868

A letter from Anson Burlingame to the State Department
SHanghai, December 11, 1867

Subject: Letters
Type: Written by Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 20, Number 6592, 2 April 1868

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

The North-China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, Volume 79
June 29, 1906

Subject: Death
The American Historical Review,
Vol. 41, No. 4 (Jul., 1936), pp. 682-702
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Correspondences made public in the April 25, 1870 New York Times.
Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State
Andrew G. Curtin
F.F. Low
George Bancroft
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
New York Tribune
March 30, 1868
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
New York Times
April 21, 1870
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 22, Number 7318, 4 April 1870

Note: For all the Daily Alta links below, click on the highlighted/foggy area, a prompt will allow you to either save a PDF, text, or clip the relevant article

Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
From the New York Times
March 24, 1870

A reprint of a private letter by an acquaintance of Burlingame and his family.
Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
"Told by a Sister of the Famous Diplomat, at Present Living in California"
Mrs. Betsey Burlingame Hinman's recollection of her brother, with a drawing of Anson and his sister.

The San Francisco Call
Sunday, June 13, 1897
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Stanford University Special Collections

Card Type: Filter Type Icon

Folder name: Burlingame, Anson
Call Number M0119/1/5 (Box 1 folder 5)
Stanford Library Special Collections

Signed Letters:
AB to Brother Joel Burlingame, from Shanghai, 4/18/1862
Mentions he is about to leave for Peking and will form the (American) Legation there.

Mrs. B to sister, Peking 2/12/1867, 1 folded sheet with small handwriting on both sides. includes descriptions of life in Peking, see some excerpts below (photocopy requested)
“ There, we meet Mongolians with their long trains of camels, who have come to Peking to …they’re clothed in sheepskins from head to foot…
We love very much the wall of the city, and almost everyday we go to walk on the top of the wall, which is about 40 ft broad and paired with brick, the wall is 60 ft tall, build of brick, and filled in with earth. At sunset, all the gates in the wall are shut and no one can go out or come into the city …”

Nelson H Burlingame to cousin 4/10/1939

“For the past 20 years, I have been writing a history of the ‘B” Family, which will be published this fall and I am very anxious that it be as nearly complete as possible.”

Manuscript article
Anson’s sociability 1892 (manuscript, 7 pages, photocopy requested)
Manuscript by Susan B, AB’s sister
Quote from an article published just after AB’s death on his sociability by Mr. ? (unable to decipher the name) of Tiffin, Ohio
Page 1
“We played together as children, attended the same school, Sabbath school and church. We joined the church at the same time. Now Anson Burlingame is dead, and the world has lost its most efficient worker, in the cause of Christianity civilization. By careful study and patient research he had become familiar with the language, literature, (?) and civil institutions of China, and was the first-Christian to win the free confidence of that (?) government and ? . Enchanted with the most important diplomatic duties ever committed to one man, he had nearly completed the mission when he was cut down by death. His career has (?) a tribute of gratitude…, another will testify as to the great and conspicuous events of his political life. Anson was handsome, jolly and loveable in childhood, as he was earnest, energetic and devoted in manhood.
Page 2
An account how “Anson always helped the oppressed”

Newspaper clips:

Date and Source unknown (Most likely San Mateo Times, because County Clerk Hinmin refers to San Mateo County)
Title: A City Perpetuates His Name (photocopy requested)
Caption: Here is a reproduction of one of the few photographs in existence of Anson Burlingame, late American minister to China, for whom the city of Burlingame was named by William C. Ralston, the founder. It is from the family album of County Clerk Elmore B. Hinman, a grand-nephew of the envoy. The story of this elegant gentleman and how the city happened to be named for him was told in the Times’ History of Burlingame. Today’s chapter relates how Mr. Burlingame would have reaped a fourtune had he retained land he purchased here in the early days.

The Springfield Daily, 9/15/1904

Title: Voice of United States in Orient
“His untimely death, while in Europe, is thus referred to by John W. Foster, in his “Century of American Diplomacy”: “This event proved a double misfortune to China…secondly, in depriving its government of the services and leadership of an able and tactful foreigner to direct its efforts toward a more liberal and progressive policy. We can only conjecture what might have been the future of China if Mr. Burlingame’s life had been spared.”

Christian Science Monitor 9/30/1912
Title: Book on Work of Burlingame in China is especially Timely: Prof. F. Wells Williams Along With Biography Takes up Ethics of Dealing with New Republic

San Mateo Times 9/8/1934
Title The History of Burlingame, Chapter 2
Compiled by Constance Lister, Edited by Geoffrey A. Currall
(about Burlingame Treaty) “It also grants privileges to citizens of either country residing in the other, the privilege of naturalization being specifically withheld.
From the amended United States-China treaty sprang a strong hostility to the Chinese, particularly in San Francisco and other California ports, for the clauses added by Burlingame.
Bancroft says:
‘Against this liberal and intrinsically just policy, the anti-Chinese party in California protested, and as the years passed, rebelled more and more strenuously…The revised statutes of 1873 dropped the words, ‘being free white persons,’ by clerical error, it was alleged, and a few Asiatics took advantage of the wording to become naturalized. This advance upon the privileges of white and black men roused renewed hostility, public sentiment generally being against incorporating into our civilization there alien pagans, and in 1875 Mongolians were excluded from naturalization rights.’”

Note: Bancroft “History of California”

Banquet announcement with engraved portrait of AB
New York Tribune
March 11, 1868
By Mark Twain
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 22, Number 7281, 26 February 1870

Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 22, Number 7324, 10 April 1870

Subject: Death
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Title: The Rocky Road to Liberty: A Documented History of Chinese Immigration and Exclusion
by: Sen Hu, Jielin Dong
Publisher: Chinese American Society
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
The Far Eastern Quarterly,
Vol. 1, No. 3 (May, 1942), pp. 277-279
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame

Daily Alta California, Volume 21, Number 7004, 23 May 1869

Type: Written about Anson Burlingame
Pacific Historical Review, 15:3 (1946:Sept)
Edited by Warren B. Walsh

Letters from 15 year old Walter Anson Burlingame to his grandfather, Isaac Livermore, describing trips to Japan and life in China.
Subject: Letters
Type: Written about Anson Burlingame